Blog Data privacy

You’ve got something to hide… and so does everybody else.

März 15, 2023 7 min read

1iO Blog

Join 1iO's journey in building the future of decentralized collaboration. On our blog, we take you with us the whole way and present interesting insights, interviews, and essays. Here, we talk Web3, DAO, crypto, decentralized-communication, blockchain, and many more ideas that will power our future.

In recent years, data breaches at big tech firms have become all too common. From Equifax to Facebook, millions of people have had their personal information stolen and exposed. These breaches have highlighted a growing concern for privacy and security in the digital age. In this article, we will explore why everyone has something to hide, the consequences of data breaches, and how Web3 can improve privacy and security.

Data Breaches and Their Consequences

Leaks can have severe consequences for the individuals affected. Hackers can steal personal information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and even medical records. This information can be used for identity theft, financial fraud, and other malicious purposes. In some cases, the data breaches have also resulted in significant reputational damage to the companies involved. Let’s just say: Once something is out there, it’s almost impossible to get it back without leaving a trace.

One of the most significant data breaches of recent times was the 2017 Equifax breach, which exposed the personal information of 147 million (!!!) people. The breach included names, birth dates, social security numbers, and other sensitive information. Equifax faced significant backlash from the public, and the company's stock price dropped by 30% in the following days. The breach also led to congressional hearings and increased calls for stronger data privacy laws. While the efforts by government officials could have been a step in the right direction, it rather showed neither politics nor the law is even remotely up to date enough to deal with this kind of complex digital problems.

Another high-profile breach was the 2018 Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal, which involved the misuse of personal data from 87 million Facebook users. Cambridge Analytica used the data to create targeted political ads during the 2016 US presidential election. If you think about it… that’s actually not too far away from George Orwell’s wildest dystopian fantasies. The scandal led to increased scrutiny of Facebook's data practices and sparked a global conversation about data privacy.

Scandals everywhere, but the public perceptions of either the companies affected, or their services didn’t really seem to have changed. Many people believe that if they have nothing to hide, they do not need to worry about their privacy.

Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.

Edward Snowden

In reality, everyone has something to hide. Even if you are not doing anything illegal or unethical, you may have personal information that you do not want to share with the world. Imagine the following scenario: You’re shopping at the mall and this shady-looking guy keeps following you around the aisles. He’s constantly looking over your shoulder, observing closely what goes into your cart and what doesn’t. You would feel pretty uncomfortable, right? Well, in the digital world, this seems to be about the most normal thing, period.

Also, you may not want your employer to know about your medical history or your financial situation. You may not want your family members to know about your personal relationships or your political views. You may not want strangers to know your location or your browsing history. And you shouldn’t. 

In the digital age, it is easy for companies and hackers to collect and misuse personal information. That is why it is essential to take steps to protect your privacy and security online. Sadly, VPNs and Duck-Duck-Go are not sufficient anymore, but we have technologies at hand, that are proving to be a better option.

Web3, also known as the decentralized web, is an emerging technology that aims to improve privacy and security on the internet. Web3 is built on blockchain technology, which allows for decentralized data storage and transactions. This means that data is not stored in a central location (e.g., single servers or data centers), making it less vulnerable to hacks and breaches.

Web3 also uses advanced encryption to protect personal information, making it more difficult for hackers to even know where to find the data that they’d be potentially looking for. The technology also includes decentralized identity solutions like the DID-standard or decentralized data storage like IPFS, which allow users to control their identity and the coherent personal data.

Web3 has the potential to improve privacy and security in many areas, including finance, healthcare, and social media – which is where some of the most valuable data lies hidden. For example, decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms built on Web3 can offer secure and transparent financial transactions without the need for intermediaries such as banks or providers like Cash App and PayPal.

Healthcare providers can use Web3 to store medical records securely and allow patients to control who has access to their data. Social media platforms built on Web3 can offer more control and transparency to users over their personal information and data.

Since many of these processes are mapped to the infrastructure of users' endpoints, you can also save tons of carbon by using less energy compared to large data centers.

So… what exactly is stopping us?

Why Web3 Is Not Yet the Golden Standard

While Web3 has the potential to improve privacy and security, it is not yet the golden standard. The technology is still in its early stages of development, and there are many challenges to overcome. 

One of the biggest challenges is adoption. Web3 requires a significant shift in the way we think about and use the internet. It requires users to take responsibility for their data and identity, rather than relying on centralized platforms to manage it for them. This means that there needs to be a significant education effort to help people understand the benefits and risks of Web3, and to encourage them to adopt the technology – in the end, a decentralized ecosystem will become safer with every new user.

Another challenge worth mentioning is scalability. The current infrastructure of Web3 is not yet capable of handling the same volume of transactions as centralized platforms. This means that there are limitations on the speed and efficiency of Web3 applications, which can limit their usefulness for certain use cases. A step in the right direction is the concept of Edge-Chains, smaller chains designated for certain processes within a certain group that don’t need the validation of every participant on the big main chain.

There are also concerns about the governance of Web3. Because the technology is decentralized, there is no central authority to regulate it. This means that there is a risk of bad actors exploiting the system for their own gain. It also means that there is no clear path for resolving disputes or making decisions about the direction of the technology. But once again, there are promising concepts out there that have the potential to address this challenge as well. Governance mechanisms are becoming better and better and will continue to improve. 

So – it’s crystal clear that everyone has something to hide, and data breaches at big tech firms have highlighted the need for improved privacy and security online. Web3 offers a promising solution to these challenges, with its decentralized infrastructure and encryption capabilities. However, Web3 is not yet the golden standard, and there are many challenges to overcome before it can become widely adopted. As we continue to navigate the digital age, it is essential to stay informed and take steps to protect our personal information and privacy.

Because after all – who would want that one song to become your everyday life?

…I always feel like…

                 …somebody’s watching me.

1iO Blog

Join 1iO's journey in building the future of decentralized collaboration. On our blog, we take you with us the whole way and present interesting insights, interviews, and essays. Here, we talk Web3, DAO, crypto, decentralized-communication, blockchain, and many more ideas that will power our future.